
October 2020 - Present

Software Developer Intern

Cultiveit Inc
  • Developing seach funtionality using Flask to help users navigate through the website easily.
  • Designing and developing a recommendation system which helps users discover places based on their search history.
June 2020 - September 2020

Full Stack Developer Intern

  • Built RESTful APIs for an Expense Management System (EMS) to improvise paperless expense upload and the approval process in Corporates by 57%.
  • Developed a ReactJS UI for the EMS with features like corporate registration, approval status, transaction history.
  • Developed a library for the authorization of the users using Amazon Cognito.
May 2020


  • Designed and developed a digital bank application using MERN stack(MongoDB, ExpresJS, ReactJS, NodeJS).
  • Implement user based authorization.
  • Developed features like desposit amount, withdraw, view transaction history, create account etc.
April 2020 - June 2020

Meaningful Keyword extraction from Clustering of COVID-19 Literature

  • Devised an automated pipeline that inputs scientific literature articles and transforms the articles into vector representations.
  • Implemented unsupervised clustering algorithms– HAC, BIRCH, DBSCAN, LSA, Fuzzy C-Means to group the articles and compared the performances using Calinski-Harabasz index and Silhouette Coefficient.
March 2020

Tomasulo Simulator

  • Implemented a simulator to demonstrate Tomasulo algorithm for an out-of-order execution pipeline artichtecture.
Jan 2020 - March 2020

Travel Crawl

  • Developed a travel-based search engine to optimize retrieval of 3GB of Reddit data collected by deploying web crawler.
  • Implemented ranking algorithm using Map-reduced data. Indexed the data using Lucene and Map-reduce. Built a web-UI to search the data.
Jan 2020 - March 2020

Geo-Referenced US Wildfires

  • Visualized 18 million data points of the US wildfire geo-referenced dataset using ggplot and Bokeh libraries of python and R respectively.
  • Utilized the visualizations to analyze and predict the patterns of wildfires across the US.
Jan 2020

Know Your Trash!

Womxn Hackathon 2.0, UC Santa Barbara
  • Developed an image classification application using TensorFlow to distinguish items based on types of trash.
  • Built an Android application which takes the image input and returns the type of trash (landfill, recycle) the object should be disposed into.
  • Won the best project prize in the category of sustainability.
  • Link: https://devpost.com/software/knowyourtrash
Jan 2020

Safety Indexing of New York City using Big Data Techniques

  • Designed a method to calculate safety indexes of NYC communities based on the active crime rate in the areas.
  • Produced heatmaps to visualize the safety indexes, generated statistical analysis to show the # of crimes using Matplotlib, geoplot, geopandas.
  • Won the Best Project Presentation Award for in-class presentation.
May 2019

Chatbot for Incidents Creation

Target India Hackathon
  • Built a chatbot that interacts with the users to help them create and fetch incident details without going through the hassle of using the service-now application.
  • Developed a spring boot microservice to get the incident details and leveraged the google speech-to-text API to take voice input from the user.
April 2018

Red Coin

Target India Hackathon
  • Developed a cryptocurrency transfer application using blockchain technology as a reward point system for the Target Team Members. Used Ethereum and Mist to create the Red Coin.
  • Built a user interface using PHP and HTML that can be used to transfer the red coins among team members.
July 2017 - July 2019

Software Engineer

Target Corporation, India
  • Designed and implemented RESTful APIs for a web application to identify potential internal theft.
  • Designed and built a frontend for Potential Theft Incidents (PTIA) using ReactJS and utilized five RESTful APIs to fetch potential theft incidents. Won the Target Pyramid award for successfully replacing 80+ mainframes jobs.
  • Built and managed Elastic Logstash and Kibana (ELK) cluster for centralized logging and searching of the PTIA applications’ microservices.
  • Designed and implemented CI/CD pipeline using Docker, Kubernetes and Drone for Theft Identification Count (TIC) and PTIA applications saving 90% manual deployment hours. Won the Target pyramid award for delivering exceptional results.
  • Designed and developed a mobile application using Ionic 3 to scan and track empty packages which resulted in saving hundreds of manual entry hours. Developed a RESTful service to fetch and update the items’ data and integrated it with the mobile app.
  • Built Spinnaker pipelines and configured the Unimatrix clusters for automated deployment of the EJTrickle services to the Target store servers.
  • Played the role of Scrum Master and lead the Scrum ceremonies for the team.
Dec 2016 - May 2017

Kelkar Museum App

Tata Consultancy Services
  • Designed and Developed an Android application for the infamous Kelkar Museum located in Pune, India.
  • Built features to book tickets, navigation to museum using google maps API, virtual tour.